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What is a Favicon and Why Is It Important?

Ever wondered what that icon is called that lingers next to a website name in your open tabs and bookmarks? These tiny images are called favicons and are a key part of helping your website and your brand stay at the forefront of consumers’ minds. These icons are eye-catching and help to differentiate the many tabs you may have open at one time. But what is a favicon, and why are they important? This blog aims to answer that very question while exploring the benefits they have for SEO and how they can improve your company’s branding.

If you would like to get more out of your website and optimise it to draw in more potential customers, contact Resurge Digital, the digital marketing agency Brisbane relies on for expert SEO services. Give us a call on 1300 659 035, send an email to [email protected], or enquire online.

How a Favicon Can Help Your Business

What is a Favicon Image?

A favicon serves as branding for your website. It is the small 16×16 icon that rests next to your site name when users are browsing your pages, serving as a beacon amongst any tabs they may have open. This way they can easily get back to your page as necessary. Since the favicon only occupies a small amount of space, it’s best to use a tiny image for the favicon, or one-to-three characters of text.


Due to the limited amount of resolution, favicons might have to be reduced further in size or be a smaller part of a bigger logo. Favicons are not considered logos, though they can use company logos for their image. As well as tabs and bookmarks, favicons can also be seen in search bars and browser history.

Why is a Favicon Important?

While you may disregard its importance after learning what is a favicon, it is an extraordinarily useful tool for your website’s branding. In fact, it is an important step in establishing your website’s identity, as having a favicon attached to your name gives your site a sense of legitimacy. Customers feel more secure when they are browsing a website that has an official favicon. Anything that makes the consumer’s browsing experience easier is going to increase confidence in your brand, and favicons make switching between tabs as simple as possible.

Do Favicons Help SEO?

While favicons are not a direct part of SEO, they still help improve your ranking when it comes to search engines. There are several reasons for this, with the simplest reason being that an easy-to-use website is more likely to improve your rankings. As mentioned above, a favicon helps users identify your pages in their open tabs, and a user-friendly website is bound to attract users back to your site. Increased interaction and time spent on your website is another way to improve your SEO.

Having a favicon on your website gives you an advantage over those that don’t, as using a favicon on your website increases your chances of being bookmarked by browsers like Chrome, which can provide you with positive search ranking signals. Using a favicon also gives users a logo to associate your business with, increasing brand awareness among potential customers and clients.

What Makes a Good Favicon?

Designing a good favicon is a lot like designing a good logo, with the most important rule being to keep things simple. You don’t have much space for your favicon so there is no need to overcomplicate things and try to fit as much detail in as possible. Choosing a nice colour is vital for your favicon’s design, and you want to aim for one that is pleasing to the eye, such as a soft blue. Contrasting colours also help clearly define different shapes in your tiny icon, and this is showcased in Facebook’s logo that places a white “f” inside a blue square.

It is important to remember that your favicon is representative of your brand, so if your company logo relies on a certain colour, image, or letter, it is beneficial to incorporate this into your favicon to create brand cohesion. For inspiration, browse some of your favourite websites and study how their favicons capture the essence of their company.

Have More Questions About What is a Favicon Image?

At Resurge Digital we help businesses improve their SEO through tried-and-true methods. Like favicons, quality SEO helps to improve your website rankings. We offer reliable website design Brisbane businesses depend on to place their services in front of more potential customers. If you are looking to get started on increasing your business’ online presence, give Resurge Digital a call on 1300 659 035 or send an email to [email protected]. You are also able to enquire online and we will promptly get back to you.

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